textbooks on a shelf ready to be scanned accessible

Made Simple

Made Simple

Our innovative E-Text team is staffed with subject matter experts to streamline our workflow and maintain a standard of excellence and quality. Working with cutting-edge technology and a highly qualified professional team, we specialize in accessible PDF, DOC, EPUB, HTML, and PowerPoint formats.

A woman sits at a desk using a computer.

E-Text Production

Our E-Text team is able to produce customized projects to best suit your needs, including textbooks, journals, tests, brochures, workplace documents, and course materials. Our team also partners with publishers to create accessible content for their supplements and ancillary material.

Use our Service List below to view all of our offered E-Text services and their descriptions. Current customers can log in for an estimated book cost. Disability Service Providers can view this video that outlines how to choose the right accessible file format prior to ordering material for students.

For projects requiring an estimate, the E-Text team will provide a quote after they examine your materials to assess the complexity and work needed to provide an accessible version. In many cases, a copy of the book or print materials will need to be sent or purchased by us in order to provide an accurate quote. Once the quote is accepted, E-Text staff will provide you with the expected production date and estimated cost.

A computer monitor showing Etext.

E-Text Digital Library

The E-text library contains accessible electronic textbooks and print materials that have previously gone through conversion to help you save time and money. You can search the E-Text Library to see if your materials have already been produced.