A woman sits at a computer keyboard with a magnified screen.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

Sometimes inclusive or universal design is not enough to meet the needs of an individual with a disability, or an inclusively designed option has not yet made it to the marketplace. CIDI’s Assistive Technology works with individuals to identify appropriate assistive technology and develops tools and resources to aid others with this decision-making process.

A person looks at their assistive devices.

Mastery of Assistive Technology Research

Principal Investigator: Ben Satterfield; Co-Investigators: Karen Milchus, Patricia Griffiths, Matt Blake

Mastery of Assistive Technology is a program of research based at the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation. We have engaged researchers from several Georgia Tech colleges and centers, such as The School of Psychology, The School of Interactive Computing, The Center for Advanced Communication Policy (CACP), and the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC)

The project is investigating the questions: 

  1. What is Mastery of Assistive Technology?  and 
  2. How do we measure it? 

The project is evaluating a prototype Continuum of AT Mastery (CATM) tool developed for measuring individual progress toward mastery of assistive technology (AT). 

A group of students in a community center using assistive technology.

Assistive Technology Network

Assistive Tech Network’s Community of Practice connects people with disabilities and older adults, AT providers and social service case managers, and AT industry representatives through an innovated social media platform.  The community encourages interactive multi-media dialogues about assistive technology discovery, selection, application, customization, and training.  The Community of Practice builds on previous development products from CIDI, including AssistiveTech.net and its associated ATWiki. 

Holographic globe on keyboard.

Global Assistive Technology Innovation

This Vertically Integrated Project, Global Assistive Technology Innovation, will be open to students from tech and non-tech majors. The students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts around disability, Assistive Technology (AT), inclusive design, and innovation while discussing privacy-compliant data for future innovation, intersectional data to be acknowledged for wide AT adoption, and feasible ways to collect and present user experience data to accelerate locally relevant AT innovation.


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