How to Edit a Student Record

  1. Navigate to the Student table located on the far left side of the menu bar.
  2. Use the search bar above the list of students to search for the student record you wish to edit.
    • You can use the search to search for the student’s name or id.
  3. Once you locate the student’s record, click on the pencil icon located on the far left side of the record. This icon indicates that you want to make changes to the record.
  4. This should take you a page in which you can edit the student’s information.
  5. Be hesitant to change the Student ID field, because this field is used by other tables.
  6. When you have satisfied with your changes, hit the green Save & close button located on the bottom-left corner or the top-right edge of the page.

If you are trying to edit multiple students at once, you should look into grid edit or import students.