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Keanu Sales

Keanu Sales

Keanu is an undergraduate student at Georgia State University pursuing a degree in Biology Please read more about him and his startup idea below.


What is your startup idea?

Pet therapy business that focuses on assisting college students. Working alongside campus health services, a therapy dog and handler will regularly visit campuses. Student and stuff can schedule private or walk-up therapeutic sessions. Session can include petting, cuddles, feeding dog treats, etc. Help students and staff to alleviate stress and cope with difficulties.


What type of social justice issue(s) does your startup idea focus on?

Mental Health and well-being. Unconventional therapy.


How does your startup idea promote equity for its target audience?

My startup idea promotes equity to students with mental health issues by allowing access to services that help provide better health and educational outcomes.


How will your startup advocate for its target audience (people/community for which you are aiming to promote equity)?

My startup will promote awareness and access to mental health services and unconventional therapy to college students.


How did ITEP help you with your entrepreneurship journey?

ITEP helped and provided knowledge and resources to start a business to help others. The sessions allowed me to broaden my views about being inclusive. ITEP also helped me to structure my business goals and motivated me into action.


Do you have any other comments?

ITEP was a very informative program.