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Hafsa Farooq

Hafsa Farooq

Hafsa is a graduate student at Georgia State University pursuing a PhD degree in Computer Science. Please read more about her and her startup idea below.


What is your startup idea?

A summer camps-based startup that focuses on enhancing and improving children's natural abilities for a specific career plan. South Asia has the worst or almost no career counseling and planning system. In South Asia, parents select the degree and career path for their kids or if someone is doing so well in some specific field, everyone starts opting for the mainstream career. The majority of children do not get the opportunity to select their own academic path; a path that aligns with their own interests in a specific profession.

How to resolve: A summer camp (short-term) based institute where children get exposure to different professionals. By introducing them to several different career fields, they will have more context of the multiple professions available. They will be able to make an informed decision based on their own interest, rather than following a career path because it is in access. They will be able to make an informed decision based on their own interest, rather than mainstream trends.


What type of social justice issue(s) does your startup idea focus on?

My startup idea focuses on addressing unequal educational opportunities for the youngsters of my small hometown. They don't have enough opportunities especially with technical schools where they can grow and develop with world trends. Being a computer science graduate student, I want to provide better opportunities and learning platforms for my hometown students.


How does your startup idea promote equity for its target audience?

I want it for everyone who puts effort and is eager to learn. I will have some scholarships for the deserving children, I will also make sure that everyone can access them regardless of any disability or financial challenges. After some time establishing a basic model of my startup, I would like to expand it for blind people too.


How will your startup advocate for its target audience (people/community for which you are aiming to promote equity)?

Since there is no technical school that can inculcate the desire for technical education in kids or even fundamentally no training for choosing their career paths. My startup would help my community to make a sound decision regardless of mainstream career plans and enforced by parents or elder members of the family. The whole idea is to inform and give them a brief exposure to different career paths while residing in a small town. This startup would help them in deciding better choices and not feeling diffident about their choices and perform wonders with their skills and learnings.


How did ITEP help you with your entrepreneurship journey?

ITEP has been a great source of learning and exposure. I was not familiar with the technical complexities of entrepreneurship. I always wanted to do some business but not have enough knowledge and primarily it's sustainability model. ITEP helped me in defining sustainability and expanding business in more technical ways.


Do you have any other comments?

Thank you for arranging this wonderful program.