Gynella Ngounou
Gynella Ngounou
Gynella is an undergraduate student at Georgia State University pursuing a degree in Social Entrepreneurship and Marketing. Please read more about her and her startup idea below.
What is your startup idea?
Students Expressing Life through Fashion (SELF) is a sewing and design startup that provides at-risk fashion designers with affordable, quality fashion education and sustainable careers.
What type of social justice issue(s) does your startup idea focus on?
Affordable and non-traditional fashion education; fast fashion; ethical and sustainable fashion; inclusivity in fashion design
How does your startup idea promote equity for its target audience?
SELF has gained a tremendous advantage by being the fashion resource hub for at-risk fashion designers in Atlanta, Georgia -- providing at-risk fashion designers with affordable, quality fashion education, sustainable careers, designer studio, and more.
With our designer-driven services, growing membership and loyal customer base, our ability to build and leverage early-stage brand DNA has enabled us to define our own niche and cut through the competitive clutter.
How will your startup advocate for its target audience (people/community for which you are aiming to promote equity)?
Students Expressing Life through Fashion (SELF) was created by at-risk fashion designers for at-risk fashion designers. We fully understand the needs of at-risk fashion designers today - because we are at-risk fashion designers ourselves - and can easily quench their thirst by equipping them with tools and resources to become future ready fashion leaders.
How did ITEP help you with your entrepreneurship journey?
From providing sound advice on brand awareness and digital innovation, what I loved most was ITEP’s assistance in helping me become the best CEO I know I can be, despite being a stutterer. ITEP’s discussions on fostering inclusive entrepreneurship, having self-confidence, and building a supportive infrastructure deeply resonated with me and has partly been instrumental to the major successes SELF has received this year.
Do you have any other comments?
I'm very thankful for this opportunity.